PRIME YOUTHS & WOMEN EMPOWERMENT INITIATIVE (PYWEI) is a non-profit, non-governmental and non-cultural organization which came out of the concern about the plight of Adolescents, Young persons and women in the society. Prime Youth & Women Empowerment Initiative was founded in Benue State of Nigeria in 2015 and was formally registered with Corporate Affairs Commission in 2022 through the State Ministry of Women Affairs on 15th June, 2022 with Registration Number CAC/RN/182551
During the adolescence stage (ages 10–19), girls and boys begin to interact with the world in new ways – taking chances, learning skills and experiencing unfamiliar emotions. They venture beyond their families to form powerful connections with peers and search for ways to stand out and belong, to find their place in society and make a difference in their world but far too many are not getting what they need to realize their full range of rights and potentials. Poverty and deprivation, poor education Gender inequality, poor parenting and other forms of Social vices intersect with climate change, economic upheaval, conflict and displacement to threaten adolescents’ well-being
PYWEI was established as way of tackling/fighting these increasing social vices such as Child abuse, Adolescents high rates of school dropout out especially amongst girls at primary level of education, Limited access to sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights to the Adolescent, Limited access to Education for orphans and the Vulnerable children in the community, and limited access to economic assets by the women, Food security, Climatic change, livelihood challenges and also the rising rate of HIV infection amongst young women and adolescent girls in the society.
As adolescent/youths and women wellbeing oriented organization we complement Government’s efforts by providing services and information to Adolescents/young persons and women, with special emphasis to those with disabilities at the grass root level
Our Core thematic areas includes
Psychosocial Support
Due to the series of crisis and the recent disasters, PYWEI has identified the post crisis effects in AYPs characterized by street life, alcoholism, drug and substance abuse, prostitution, and child labour. It will be implemented through: guidance and counseling, mental health awareness/sensitization and support, radio talk shows, AYP rehabilitation and skills promotion/capacity building center and community outreach.
Development and implementation of community action plans on psychosocial support, follow up of crisis affected children in the community, provision of counseling services, community based reception and rehabilitation of adolescents affected by crisis and disasters, referrals of severe cases to other specialized service providers.
Although Gender will be mainstreamed across all other thematic areas activities will be carried out through: Formation and training of child protection committees, community dialogue meetings, and support to community led initiatives on child protection, translation of key legal and policy documents into local languages, data collection on violation of children’s rights and supporting formal education for Orphans and Vulnerable Children, awareness and sensitization of harmful genders norms and support for GBV survivors, while also providing referrals to other specialized service providers
Empowerment and Livelihoods Support
Vocational and life skills training and support, financial education to older adolescents and caregivers, capacity building on several areas, Provision of sustainable and profitable means of livelihoods, training of Income Generating Activities and financial management, support to Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs’) to attain vocational skills and provision of basic start up tool kits to beneficiaries of crisis affected children in the community. ICT will be streamed lined in all the adolescent activities to equip them with the modern skills to compete with the changing world
Peace Building and Reconciliation.
Training of Parents Support Groups and Youth Support Groups and school clubs on peace building and conflict resolution, ongoing tracing and re-union, facilitation of community reconciliation and peace meetings, community and religious dialogues and consensus building on traditional justice systems, interactive games and sports among AYPs, development and implementation of peace, action plans, and dissemination of Information Education and Communication (IEC) materials to provide acceptance and reintegration.
Environment and WASH
Sensitization and awareness creation on practices that affects our environment and cau ses harm to the environment, Training of AYPs on best sustainable environmental practices and other income generating activities that also keep the environment clean and safe, formation of Environmental Protection and Conservation Clubs in schools, established a tree nursery which acts as a demonstration site and supplies tree seedlings to the community.
Personal health and hygiene awareness and sensitization, menstrual hygiene, environmental hygiene and general safety practices in the community
This is a cross-cutting activity in all the programmes of PYWEI. It is an integrated activity. PYWEI will be supporting orphans/people with disabilities and vulnerable AYPs by provision of scholastic materials, school fees and basic materials. (This is a really big challenge in terms of funding considering the level of poverty resulting from the communal/header/farmer crisis) we will also educate AYPs about sexual reproductive health and rights which will be done through: Behavioral Change Communication (BCC), awareness and sensitization, guidance and counseling, distribution of Information Education and Communication materials, and also provide referrals to other specialized service providers.
Disability inclusion and Emergency and relief
Special emphasis will be paid to people with special needs in the community, providing supports ranging from; food, education medical, legal and social support.
PYWEI in times of crisis and disasters will offer emergency and relief services through; Provision of food aid, psychosocial support, relief materials and training in food security and agricultural rehabilitation to displaced AYPs